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HomeHealthWhy Mosquitoes Are Attracted to You

Why Mosquitoes Are Attracted to You

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Mosquitoes: Why They Bite Some People More Than Others

Mosquitoes Prefer Certain Blood Types

Interestingly, mosquitoes find some blood types more desirable than others. Research has found that some mosquito species have a preference for:

  • Type O: Asian tiger mosquito, or Aedes albopictus, prefers this blood type.
  • Type AB: This attracts the marsh mosquito, or Anopheles gambiae.

Carbon Dioxide Attracts Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide from a significant distance. The more you exhale, the more attractive you become. Larger people exhale more, so they’re more likely to receive bug bites.

Mosquitoes Seek Body Heat

Female mosquitoes are also attracted to heat and may choose to fly toward people even when there are other sources of heat available. As such, you may notice that you get bites if you exercise outside, venture out on hot days, or just tend to "run hot."

Mosquitoes Like Sweat

Mosquitoes can sniff out human sweat, and they’re attracted to lactic acid, ammonia, and other compounds emitted in it. This means that you may be more apt to receive a mosquito bite if you’re prone to sweating or spend a lot of time outdoors on hot days.

Mosquitoes Prefer Certain Skin Bacteria

Your skin is naturally teeming with microscopic life. These bacteria create a distinct fragrance when mixed with sweat. Some research has shown that the types and amount of bacteria on a person’s skin can play a role in how many mosquito bites they get.

Darker Clothes Are Easier for Them to Spot

Mosquitoes use their eyes to target victims. Research shows that mosquitoes gravitate more toward green and black surfaces than toward white or grey surfaces, suggesting that it’s easier for them to see these colors.

Ways to Get Fewer Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites are more than just annoying. Mosquitoes are vectors, which are living organisms that can transmit diseases such as Zika virus. Do what you can to minimize the amount of mosquito bites you get by managing the amount of these insects in your yard and protecting yourself when outdoors.

  • Cover Up Your Skin
    • Choose lighter colored clothing so you don’t attract mosquitos’ attention
    • Wear clothes that cover as much skin as possible, especially if you’re gardening, hiking, or in areas that are likely to be home to large numbers of insects
  • Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard
    • Remove items that collect rainwater that you don’t need, like old tires
    • Empty items that catch rainwater after a storm
    • Change the water in fountains and bird baths at least once a week
    • Clean the gutters on the roof to keep water flowing
  • Avoid Peak Biting Times
    • Mosquitos are most active at dusk and dawn
  • Use Insect Repellents
    • Check the label for approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    • Look for products that contain DEET, IR3535, or picaridin (KBR 3023)
    • Consider using essential oils like oil of lemon eucalyptus or citronella


Mosquitoes do, indeed, find some people more attractive than others. By understanding the factors that attract mosquitoes, you can take steps to prevent bites and reduce your risk of disease transmission.


Q: Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?
A: Mosquitoes have a preference for certain blood types, carbon dioxide, and other factors such as dark clothing, sweat, and certain skin bacteria.

Q: What can I do to prevent mosquito bites?
A: Cover up, keep mosquitoes out of your yard, and use insect repellents.

Q: Are there any natural ways to repel mosquitoes?
A: Yes, some natural oils like oil of lemon eucalyptus and citronella can provide some protection.

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