Mucus From Your Nose and Throat
Glands in the nose and throat produce about one to two quarts of mucus a day. Normally, this is helpful because it cleans and moistens the nasal lining, helps fight infection, humidifies air, and traps unwanted inhaled particles.
Postnasal Drip
If this mucus becomes thicker or thinner than usual, it can become postnasal drip (excess mucus trickling down the back of the throat). It is common for postnasal drip to occur with rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal passages) and sinusitis (sinus infection).
Causes of Postnasal Drip
It can also be triggered by factors such as:
Symptoms of Postnasal Drip
Postnasal drip can cause symptoms like:
How Postnasal Drip Affects Children
During the day, this mucus tends to get swallowed and cleared from the throat. When you lie down at night, mucus can collect at the back of the throat. This can trigger coughing if the mucus is inhaled into the lungs or sticks to the vocal cords.
Pregnancy Rhinitis
Pregnancy/gestational rhinitis (inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose) affects about 20% of pregnant people, commonly in the second and third trimesters. Symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis include:
Acid Reflux
In adults, GERD can cause symptoms similar to postnasal drip, including:
How to Stop Throwing Up Mucus: Quick Tips
Whether you are vomiting from postnasal drip, coughing, or another reason, identifying and treating the underlying cause is the first step.
Postnasal drip may be treated with:
Nondrug Strategies
Medication is often not needed for postnasal drip. Nondrug strategies may be a great option for relieving symptoms of postnasal drip and associated coughing, especially for children. These may include:
Mucus in vomit may originate from mucus produced to protect the stomach lining or from swallowed mucus from the nasal passages. When nasal mucus changes in consistency or increases in volume, it is called postnasal drip, which commonly occurs with cold viruses and pregnancy. Postnasal drip can cause coughing, nausea, and vomiting, particularly in children who have a sensitive gag reflex and difficulty spitting out mucus.
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