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HomeHealthWhat Does a Wolf Spider Bite Look Like? Is It Dangerous?

What Does a Wolf Spider Bite Look Like? Is It Dangerous?

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Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae. They are predatory spiders that chase their prey rather than catching them in webs. Their body length ranges from one-fourth inch to 1 inch, and they can live for up to two years. They live in ground habitats near water and are commonly found in homes.

Wolf spiders are beneficial because they eat other insects. They do not usually bite humans unless provoked, but because they are not dangerous, their bites are harmless and do not require medical attention. Although rare, some people may be allergic to spider bites, which could produce more pronounced symptoms.

This article covers identifying wolf spider bites, symptoms, and treatment options.

What Is a Wolf Spider?

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Wolf spiders are unusually large, which often causes them to be mistaken for dangerous spiders. Fortunately, they are not harmful. While they are venomous, their venom is not toxic to humans.

Wolf spiders are large and hairy and have long legs. They can be dark gray, brown, or black and may have white and tan stripes on their bodies.

Female wolf spiders carry their egg sacs at the bottom of their abdomen attached to the spinnerets (silk-spinning organs) and aggressively protect them. After spiders emerge, they remain on her back for up to a few weeks until they are ready to live independently. They feed on ground-dwelling insects and are food for rodents, birds, and reptiles.

Wolf spiders are named because they hunt and chase prey instead of spinning a web to catch them. In Latin, Lycos means wolf, and they are part of the Lycosidae family. They have great eyesight and tend to live and hunt alone.

What Does a Wolf Spider Bite Look Like?

Reproduced with permission from © DermNet 2023.

A wolf spider bite looks similar to other spider bites. If a wolf spider bites you, you may notice the following typical spider bite symptoms:

Sometimes, you can see fang marks, which look like two side-by-side bite marks at the wound site.

A Word From Verywell

Most spider bites are self-limiting. It is important to wash the bite with soap and water, apply ice, and use an antihistamine if necessary. For more serious symptoms, you should seek emergency care.

Emergency Symptoms of a Wolf Spider Bite

When bitten by a wolf spider, often localized pain, swelling, and a rash occur. This is typically the extent of a wolf spider bite. Although rare, the venom in wolf spider bites can cause allergic reactions in some people.

Spider bite allergic reactions may cause the following symptoms:

Sometimes, people mistake a brown recluse spider for a wolf spider because of its large size and similar color. However, a brown recluse spider bite is serious, resulting in illness and pain throughout the body.

In addition, sometimes spider bites can become infected. To help prevent infection, wash the area well and apply an antibiotic ointment.

Is a Wolf Spider Bite Dangerous?

Wolf spiders are not poisonous and, therefore, not typically dangerous. However, if you are allergic to the wolf spider venom, you may experience the dangerous symptoms mentioned above.

If you notice severe symptoms, like wheezing, shortness of breath, or swelling, or if your symptoms worsen rather than improve, contact a healthcare provider immediately.

How to Find Relief From a Wolf Spider Bite at Home

Most of the time, you can easily treat wolf spider bites at home. Treatment is aimed at reducing the chance of infection, reducing swelling, and managing pain. If a wolf spider bites you, take the following steps:

  1. Wash the bite area with soap and water.
  2. Apply ice or a cool washcloth to the area.
  3. Take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever.
  4. Consider antihistamines for swelling.

Seek medical treatment if you experience severe symptoms or are worried about a small child’s spider bite.

How to Avoid Wolf Spiders and Prevent Bites

If you see a wolf spider in your home, you may want to relocate it outside. Remember that while wolf spiders may appear big and scary, they are harmless and, in fact, beneficial in keeping other household insects at bay.

Keep your space clutter-free to prevent wolf spiders from making a home. Wolf spiders naturally seek out ground cover, so piles of clothes, boxes, and other indoor spaces resembling outdoor habitats where spiders can hide are all appealing.

The best way to avoid wolf spider bites is to prevent wolf spiders from setting up a habitat in your home.


Wolf spiders are not dangerous unless you have a rare allergic reaction to their venom. Although they may appear big and scary, wolf spiders are not aggressive and will not go out of their way to bite you. If you do sustain a bite, treat it like any other wound. Clean it to reduce the chance of infection and treat the pain and itch.

Person with shoulder-length hair, wearing clear glasses and a denim jacket leans against a building.

By Kathi Valeii

Valeii is a Michigan-based freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in communication from Purdue Global.

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