Competitive bodybuilders strategically alternate between bulking and cutting cycles depending on whether in the off-season or prep for a contest. Bulking prioritizes muscle mass gain via a calorie surplus and rigorous strength training. Conversely, cutting emphasizes shedding fat while preserving muscle, typically through a calorie deficit and increased cardio.
On June 30, 2024, Classic Physique bodybuilder Urs Kalecinski published a video on his YouTube channel announcing the launch of his 2024 Olympia campaign with an arm and shoulder workout 16 weeks out of the competition.
Here is a summary of the high-volume training session:
Check out the full video below:
Kalecinski used a functional trainer with the pulleys pinned at the highest setting. He grabbed the right cable with his left hand and vice versa. He positioned his hands in front of his chest at the starting position.
Maintaining a slight forward lean and keeping the upper arms pinned, Kalecinski fully extended the elbows.
Kalecinski picked up lying cable curls from veteran bodybuilder Markus Ruhl, who attributed his 24-inch arms to this exercise. It involves performing biceps curls while lying supine on a flat bench with the pulley positioned at the highest setting.
Kalecinski set a utility bench in the center of a functional trainer for the low pulley curls, facing away from the machine. He maintained his elbows behind the midline throughout.
These exercises place the most tension on the biceps brachii in the fully stretched position, maximizing muscle stimulation and growth. (1)
Kalecinski prioritized a full range of motion (ROM), ensuring his elbows reached full flexion at the bottom and full extension at the top. He employed slow eccentrics with a pause in the bottom position to increase the time under tension (TUT) and maximize triceps muscle stimulation.
A study found that eccentric-only training led to similar increases in muscle strength and thickness as concentric-eccentric training, even with half the training volume. This suggests that eccentrics play a significant role in hypertrophy. (2)
The JM press combines the French press and a close-grip bench press so Kalecinski can effectively target the triceps without much weight, minimizing the load on his elbows and avoiding unnecessary strain.
Kalecinski lay on a flat bench and grabbed the barbell with a shoulder-wide grip. He lowered the bar to his forehead slowly, followed by an explosive elbow extension to achieve a sharp triceps contraction.
Unilateral exercises are incredibly effective for identifying and correcting strength and muscle imbalances. Kalecinski externally rotates the wrist during the concentric and pauses in the fully shortened position.
While performing seated cable rear delt flyes, Kalecinski retracts and depresses the scapula during concentrics and protracts them during eccentrics. After reaching mechanical failure, Kalecinski performed lengthened partials to maximize posterior deltoid stimulation.
Kalecinski transitioned to lying lateral raises to target the medial deltoids. He used wrist cuffs to eliminate grip fatigue and a cross-body setup to work the side delts through their full ROM.
Kalecinski will limit his social media activity as the 2024 Olympia nears. Throughout this preparation, he aims to cultivate a calmer mindset, acknowledging that past anxieties over weekly progress led to elevated cortisol levels.
Kalecinski’s bronze medal finish at the 2023 Olympia earned him a direct qualification for the show’s 60th anniversary on Oct. 10-13, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV. While the reigning champion Chris Bumstead is the favorite to win his sixth-consecutive Classic Physique Olympia title, Bumstead will face fierce competition from a formidable lineup including Kalecinski, Ramon Rocha Queiroz, and reigning Arnold Classic Physique champion Wesley Vissers.
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