This is one query I get virtually daily either in my live sessions, or on the regular comments on my videos on various social media platforms.
What is the very best workout for fat loss, best workout for muscle gain, best weight-reduction plan for fat loss/muscle gain, best complement, or something which can be best for them?
Now let me ask you a matter. If you ought to get learn any subject deeply, let’s say history, which one book is the very best which can inform you the whole lot about history. Is there any such book on the market. No, there isn’t and there can’t be any. There isn’t any one single source of data or knowledge, to understand it all.
Similarlythere isn’t a best weight-reduction plan or best workout on the planet. Diet and workouts vary from individual to individual and want to wish. And there are way too many variations involved.
For whom is the weight-reduction plan & workout schedule made?
What’s the age, sex & requirements of the person? An older individual, a child, a women, a pregnant women, an adolescent, a middle aged person, a professional sportsman, an individual affected by a chronic or acute medical issue, an injury rehab case, a chronically obese person, an individual with a serious psychological issue etc. all have different needs and requirements.
Now comes the following list of individual assessment. What culture or tradition an individual belongs to, what are his allergies and sensitivities, what’s his current lifestyle schedule, what are his work and family stresses, what are his taste buds like, is he/she a vegetarian, non-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, vegan etc.
Now, tell me which is the very best workout, weight-reduction plan or complement for anyone. There isn’t any such thing. And even when a dietician or a coach think, they’ve designed the very best weight-reduction plan or workout schedule for his or her client, they’re highly mistaken, and the experienced ones know & accept this fat.
With the exact same workout, weight-reduction plan plan and supplementation regime, two individual may react absolutely otherwise. Because they’ve a different genetic makeup and multiple individual differences. Then the very best workout, weight-reduction plan and supplementation plan isn’t any longer the very best anymore.
However, ever imagined who’re the individuals who ask such questions and why. Mostly the individuals asking such questions are kids, who after getting influenced from some silly video or blog post on web, start assuming that there have to be some secret recipe or method, to realize overnight results.
Some complement to make them ripped and muscular, in a matter of days. Some weight-reduction plan, which may make them lose all of the fat and the very best part, never let it come back. Some workout which may make them muscular and robust within the shortest time possible. Of course, all this ought to be with none major effort.
So, briefly, they’re all asking for some secret from me, which I do know and I’m not able to share it with them. It’s only after they grow in maturity and knowledge that they understand the easy fact, which actually they know already, but at all times refuse to simply accept. THERE IS SIMPLY NO SHORT CUT TO ANYTHING WORTHWHILE IN LIFE. For each god rattling thing, it’s essential to put huge amount of consistent effort, for a really very long time, before you even start seeing results.
Worse, many such videos and blog posts are commonly seen on the social media nowadays, as a result of which individuals who don’t belong to the sphere of fitness and nutrition, get easily influenced. Because they promise the identical thing, which everyone wants, but nobody can get, i.e. RESULTS WITHOUT THE EFFORT. The world was at all times stuffed with such scamsters and thug corporations, but now as a result of the web, they’re more easily visible, and have a greater access to people.
Therefore, stop asking and searching for the very best in life.
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