A well-sculpted back isn’t just an aesthetic marvel; it’s often the deciding factor between victory and defeat in bodybuilding competitions. A V-taper, characterized by broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist, is even more crucial for Men’s Physique athletes. It accentuates the upper body, the sole focus of judging in the division.
Former Men’s Physique Olympia champion Erin Banks has one of the best backs in the pro circuit. On June 11, 2024, he published a video on his YouTube channel, sharing a grueling back workout routine to forge an Olympia-worthy physique.
Here is a snapshot of the training session:
Check out the video below:
Banks primes his muscles via single-arm lat pulldowns before tackling the more demanding compound movements later in the session. To accommodate his long arms, Banks performs single-arm lat pulldowns seated on the floor.
Prioritizing form over weight, Banks externally rotates his wrists during eccentrics to achieve a deeper lat stretch at the top.
Banks emphasizes hand placement while performing T-bar rows, which is crucial in targeting specific areas of his back. He recommends a wider-than-shoulder-width grip to promote back width, a shoulder-width grip for mid-back training, and a neutral grip to enhance back thickness.
While maintaining his torso at 45 degrees, Banks grabbed the T-bar with a wide grip and flared his elbows during concentrics. He completed six sets of six repetitions.
Banks trains his lower lats using machine low rows. He initiates each rep by retracting the scapula and lifting his chest off the pad during concentrics. The 36-year-old employs slow eccentrics to maximize time under tension (TUT) to promote hypertrophy. (1)
Banks sat backward on the lat pulldown machine and grabbed the bar with a wide, overhand grip. While maintaining a slight forward lean, he pulled the bar toward the nape of his neck.
Banks set the cable pulley to the top and used a rope attachment for the superset. With his torso at 45 degrees and elbows slightly flexed, Banks pulled the rope toward his thighs while spreading his hands apart. He paused in the bottom position and contracted the lats.
Although the rear delts are technically a part of the shoulder, Banks trains them on back day. Utilizing a neutral grip on the rope attachment, Banks pulled his elbows wide to shoulder height, pausing briefly at the top of his ROM to mimic the rear double biceps pose.
Banks is expected to compete at the 2024 Dubai Pro on July 28, 2024. Banks is qualified for life to compete in the Men’s Physique Olympia as a former champion of the division.
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