
Brit Man Who Holds Record for Longest Fast of 382 Days Says He Lost 1.5 Stone a MonthBrit Man Who Holds Record for Longest Fast of 382 Days Says He Lost 1.5 Stone a Month

Brit Man Who Holds Record for Longest Fast of 382 Days Says He Lost 1.5 Stone a Month

A British man who holds the record for the longest fast of more than a year has revealed just how…

2 weeks ago
How to live the longest, healthiest life possible You can’t outsmart millions of years of human evolution. But you can make the most of the years you have.How to live the longest, healthiest life possible You can’t outsmart millions of years of human evolution. But you can make the most of the years you have.

How to live the longest, healthiest life possible You can’t outsmart millions of years of human evolution. But you can make the most of the years you have.

  None of us is getting any younger. Take it from someone who’s old: You don’t want to reach the…

11 months ago