
Fat Burn Isn’t Fat LossFat Burn Isn’t Fat Loss

Fat Burn Isn’t Fat Loss

Body Fat Balance Body fat gain or loss depends on the balance between fat storage and fat burn, known as…

4 weeks ago
Running Without Energy Gels Isn’t the Flex You ThinkRunning Without Energy Gels Isn’t the Flex You Think

Running Without Energy Gels Isn’t the Flex You Think

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: An influencer, wannabe coach,…

2 months ago
Poverty in Lagos isn’t just about money – here’s whyPoverty in Lagos isn’t just about money – here’s why

Poverty in Lagos isn’t just about money – here’s why

  Lagos is Nigeria’s economic powerhousebut it has some of the worst slums in the country. Lagos slums are characterised…

5 months ago
10,000 steps a day ISN’T a magic bullet and obsessing over the target could ‘lull unfit people into a false sense of security’ say top experts10,000 steps a day ISN’T a magic bullet and obsessing over the target could ‘lull unfit people into a false sense of security’ say top experts

10,000 steps a day ISN’T a magic bullet and obsessing over the target could ‘lull unfit people into a false sense of security’ say top experts

Ten thousand steps a day may no longer be the sweet spot for good health. The target could be lulling…

6 months ago
No, popping up like Ozempic isn’t ‘cheating’ at weight reduction or the ‘easy way out’No, popping up like Ozempic isn’t ‘cheating’ at weight reduction or the ‘easy way out’

No, popping up like Ozempic isn’t ‘cheating’ at weight reduction or the ‘easy way out’

Obesity medication that's effective has been a protracted time coming. Enter semaglutide (sold as Ozempic and Wegovy), which helps people…

12 months ago
Ozempic isn’t approved for weight reduction in Australia. So how are people accessing it?Ozempic isn’t approved for weight reduction in Australia. So how are people accessing it?

Ozempic isn’t approved for weight reduction in Australia. So how are people accessing it?

To say that Ozempic is a blockbuster drug is an understatement. Manufacturer Novo Nordisk is scrambling to expand production sites…

12 months ago
PE at college isn’t like adult exercise – but possibly it should bePE at college isn’t like adult exercise – but possibly it should be

PE at college isn’t like adult exercise – but possibly it should be

Physical education (PE) is a fundamental part of faculty life. It’s greater than only a series of lessons about kick…

1 year ago