
Rubbing a Banana Peel on Your Face as Good as Botox?Rubbing a Banana Peel on Your Face as Good as Botox?

Rubbing a Banana Peel on Your Face as Good as Botox?

Should Banana Peels Be Used as Skincare? TikTok has led the charge on quite a few skincare trends, and some…

1 month ago
What is botulism? How this ‘nerve-paralysing illness’ can be linked to dodgy botoxWhat is botulism? How this ‘nerve-paralysing illness’ can be linked to dodgy botox

What is botulism? How this ‘nerve-paralysing illness’ can be linked to dodgy botox

Botox, Botulism, and the Importance of Regulation in the Cosmetic Injectables Industry The recent news about three people in Sydney…

1 month ago