Frequent Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by a collection of uniquely distinguishing symptoms that affect movement and various aspects of daily life. These include, but are not limited to, tremors, slowed movement (bradykinesia), stiffness (postural rigidity), and imbalance. What Parkinson’s looks like differs from person to person, but symptoms always worsen over time.
Frequent Symptoms
Symptoms of Parkinson’s typically start subtly and progress over years. You may not have or develop all of these, but they are commonly seen in those with the disease.
The tremors of Parkinson’s disease, often described as "pill-rolling," are slow-frequency tremors with varying amplitude. They often occur first in one hand and subsequently spread to the other side of the body, usually remaining asymmetrical.
Parkinson’s disease commonly causes stiffness (postural rigidity) throughout the body. Like the tremors, the stiffness often begins on one side, typically on the same side as the tremor, but subsequently affects both sides of the body.
People living with Parkinson’s disease often walk distinctively slowly, with a trademark sluggish shuffling of the feet and a tendency to keep the legs relatively straight, rather than bending the legs while walking. When someone with Parkinson’s disease walks, the feet remain closer to the ground instead of lifting with each step.
Most people with Parkinson’s disease move slowly – what’s known as bradykinesia. This begins early in the course of the disease, but like most of the symptoms, it is often not strikingly noticeable until after a diagnosis has been made.
Speech problems are common in patients with Parkinson’s disease and are characterized by a weak, sometimes nasal or monotonous voice with imprecise articulation. The speech can be slow in some patients, but fast in others.
Dysgraphia refers to changes in handwriting seen in Parkinson’s disease. These include changes in the speed and fluency of writing, as well as micrographia.
One of the telltale signs of Parkinson’s disease is a lack of animated facial expression. If you have early Parkinson’s disease, you might not notice this in yourself, though others likely will because a masked face can make it appear as if you are not interested in what others are doing or saying, though you may very well be.
On the other hand, apathy is a true lack of interest and many with Parkinson’s experience this feeling at times… and eat.
Parkinson’s disease can interfere with balance. This can make it difficult to exercise or even engage in everyday tasks, like walking up or down the stairs. As the disease progresses, it becomes a challenge to remain standing without leaning on something for support.
The slow muscle movements typical of Parkinson’s disease can affect the muscles of the bowels or bladder, resulting in constipation or urinary retention.
Some people with Parkinson’s disease, especially late-stage Parkinson’s disease, experience emotions that change very quickly. Sadness is the emotion most prevalent among people living with Parkinson’s disease.
As the condition advances, involuntary twisting or writhing movements can develop. These movements, described as dyskinesias, are caused by medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease, most commonly sinemet (carbidopa/levodopa).
The medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease may trigger hallucinations. These hallucinations are typically visual. Auditory, olfactory, and tactile hallucinations also can occur but are less common.
When to See a Healthcare Provider
If you experience any symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, trouble with balance, forgetfulness, or trouble sleeping, you should make an appointment to see your healthcare provider. These symptoms may or may not be Parkinson’s disease, but they should be assessed.
A Word From Verywell
It can be easy to come up with some other explanation for some early-stage Parkinson’s symptoms. That, and trepidation about being diagnosed, often prevents people from seeking an evaluation. But know that many Parkinson’s disease symptoms are treatable, and early treatment is the best way to manage them. Parkinson’s disease certainly presents some disruption to your life, but fortunately, it is not fatal and people living with it often live long, healthy, and productive lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do Parkinson’s disease symptoms differ between men and women?
Men are more likely to have Parkinson’s related cognitive problems than women and more severe problems with freezing gait, drooling, and bent spine. Women are more likely to suffer from fatigue, depression, restless legs, pain, and tremors, and they have a higher risk of falling.
Is loss of a sense of smell a sign of Parkinson’s disease?
Yes. Loss of smell is common with Parkinson’s disease, but other conditions can cause it, too. Your sense of smell gradually lessens over time, so you may not realize it’s diminished until you’ve already developed other symptoms.
Do all people with Parkinson’s disease shake uncontrollably?
About 80% of people with the disease experience tremors. Characterized by involuntary quivering movements, these "resting tremors" occur when you’re not moving.
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