Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeMind & SoulPodcast 458 | Dating Clutter

Podcast 458 | Dating Clutter

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In this public episode of , The Minimalists speak with clinical psychologist Orion Taraban about minimizing dating clutter to form more meaningful intimate relationships. Listen to the full Maximal episode on .

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Discussed in This Episode

  • Any advice for dating again after the end of a long relationship?
  • How do I avoid carrying past baggage into future relationships?
  • Why does Dr. Taraban encourage his clients not to date?
  • Does hookup culture make it harder to meet people who want a genuine connection?
  • Do dating apps make it harder to commit to a relationship?
  • How do I decide whether it’s time to move on from a difficult relationship?
  • Are great relationships effortless, or do they take work to maintain?
  • How can you tell whether a date will be worthwhile or a waste of time?
  • Listener tip: How to minimize while unpacking after a trip.
  • How do I generate the courage to be my authentic self without oversharing on the first date?
  • How does the fear of being alone hurt my chances of finding a meaningful relationship?
  • How do I know whether I’m best suited for monogamy or an open relationship?
  • How can couples avoid relationship insecurity while using social media?
  • How do I know whether I’m compatible with a new partner?
  • Who are captains and who are passengers in a relationship?
  • What are the most common relationship red flags and green lights?
  • How does one play the Game of Please/No?
  • What does the so-called Red Pill community get right/wrong?
  • How does one avoid being put in the Friend Zone?
  • Do opposites really attract?

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at .

  • Your resources will be squandered if you don’t understand your values.
  • You don’t need to predict the future to prepare for the future.
  • Clutter is anything that gets in the way.
  • Love is not transactional, but relationships are.
  • Keeping it real is not the same thing as oversharing.
  • Alone in an empty room, you are complete.
  • If you show up feeling incomplete, another person will never complete you.
  • Needing a relationship is the best way to ruin a relationship.
  • You care what other people think only because there’s an underlying dissatisfaction in your own life.

Links Mentioned in This Episode

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