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HomeNutritionMyths and facts about egg consumption

Myths and facts about egg consumption

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Eggs are considered superfoods. But many myths surround them. Find out here what’s true and what shouldn’t be.

It seems paradoxical, but despite the proven fact that the egg is a natural, complete and nutritious food, it’s the topic of various controversies. To the purpose that many don’t devour them, because they consider them harmful. These beliefs are still ingrained in lots of consumers.

Among the misconceptions about this food is that it significantly increases cholesterol. Conversely, others consider the egg to be the king of cooking and even eat it raw, considering that it is best to eat it that way.

Stay with us to seek out out what are the myths and scientific facts about this essential food. You can due to this fact confidently include it in your weight-reduction plan.

Is raw egg more nutritious?

Faux. Many people, especially athletes, imagine that consuming raw eggs will increase protein intake, making higher use of the white and yolk. Eating raw eggs could cause 3 things:

  1. Gastrointestinal poisoning often known as This disease causes diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and vomiting 12 to 72 hours after infection. It is brought on by pathogenic bacteria present in chicken feces. For this reason, the US Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a series of recommendations to avoid this infection. It is beneficial to maintain eggs cool and disinfect them properly. They mustn’t be stored for greater than 3 weeks.
  2. Decreased digestibility of the egg. Contrary to popular belief, raw eggs are tougher to digest. The reason is that the crude protein is coiled and its amino acids are tightly certain to one another. Cooking breaks these bonds.
  3. Biotin present in egg can’t be used. Avidin is a protein present in egg whites and its function is to trap the vitamin called biotin to forestall the expansion of bacteria. However, it is taken into account a antinutriment, since by trapping the vitamin, it can’t be absorbed. Heat inactivates avidin and releases biotin.
raw eggs.
Eating raw eggs is dangerous. It is at all times best to cook them before consumption.

Should you not eat eggs if there’s a red or brown spot?

It’s fallacious ! Red or brown spots are nothing greater than detached cells or a blood vessel that ruptured during egg laying.

But this doesn’t mean that the egg is broken or fertilized. In addition, there isn’t a problem with eating a fertile egg, since its dietary value and properties remain the identical.

A red or brown stain will be slightly unpleasant to take a look at. You can due to this fact remove it with the tip of a fork. The presence of spots signifies that the egg will likely be classified in category A, but this doesn’t mean it can’t be consumed.

Should chalazas be removed?

Another false idea! The chalazae are a part of the white and their function is to maintain the yolk retained in the middle of the white.

It is sort of a preventive measure for the embryo within the case of fertilized eggs. Consuming them doesn’t cause any harmful consequences. In addition, they contain the perfect quality proteins.

Should eggs be washed before consumption to avoid contamination?

Non ! The eggshell comprises a protective membrane against contamination by microorganisms. It also regulates the entry and exit of air and humidity from outside to inside and vice versa.

This membrane is often known as. When we wash the eggs, this membrane detaches from the shell, thereby reducing the lifespan of the egg. This is why it is strongly recommended to rub them gently with a moist cloth.

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The blonder the egg, the higher?

Yet one other myth. The color of the shell will be white or brown, depending on the breed of the hen and the concentration of the pigments. But color doesn’t affect quality or dietary properties.

The intensity and different levels of shell coloring rely upon the condition of the hens, but not on their weight-reduction plan or the rearing system.

Should eggs be stored within the refrigerator and without temperature change?

It’s true. The FDA recommends buying them refrigerated and storing them of their original box at 4 degrees Celsius, avoiding temperature changes.

Storage conditions may also influence the freshness of the egg. Eggs ought to be stored between 1 and 10 degrees Celsius, never reaching freezing point.

Changing from low to high temperatures can condense water on the shell and permit bacteria, mold and moisture to enter through the pores.

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Does eating eggs increase cholesterol?

This shouldn’t be true. Until the top of the last century, health officials limited egg consumption to three units per week attributable to their high cholesterol content. However, it’s now known that blood levels of cholesterol are only minimally affected by cholesterol that enters food.

The increase in cholesterol depends more on genetics, body weight and lifestyle. It is saturated and hydrogenated fats that may increase harmful or LDL cholesterol. Smoking and lack of exercise even have a negative influence.

Egg comprises more unsaturated fat than saturated fat and a medium-sized egg provides only 200 milligrams of cholesterol. The body produces between 800 and 1,500 milligrams per day and uses 50% of dietary cholesterol.

The lecithin within the yolk interferes with its absorption, causing little effect on blood cholesterol. After analyzing several studies, the weekly intake was increased to six or 7 units per week.

Is consuming egg yolk harmful?

Faux. The yolk is the a part of the egg that comprises the best number of nutrients.

The proteins are found there in higher proportions than within the white. Yolk can also be stuffed with antioxidant carotenoids, which give it its yellow color, resembling lutein and zeaxanthin. Vitamin A, polyunsaturated fats and cholesterol stand out amongst these nutrients.

On the opposite hand, yellow is a wonderful carrier for minerals, resembling iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Other vitamins within the yolk are water-soluble, resembling B12, B6, B1, choline and folic acid.

Does egg make you gain weight?

Impossible. The egg only provides 75 calories per unit. The variety of calories varies depending on the cooking method and its preparation.

The power of satiety should be taken into consideration. The high protein concentration makes this food filling.

Eaten as a substitute of a sweet breakfast, they assist regulate blood sugar levels throughout the morning. The person is full longer.

Eggs in the diet for weight loss.
Eggs will be included in a weight reduction weight-reduction plan. They help control hunger.

Is eating eggs within the evening higher?

You can devour them with confidence at any time of the day. In case of a low-calorie weight-reduction plan to drop pounds, it is strongly recommended to incorporate this food through the last meal due to its satiating effect.

Also consider the kind. For example, it is strongly recommended to eat poached or boiled eggs within the evening. They will thus be less caloric while retaining the identical dietary value.

Is egg considered a functional food?

It’s true ! Egg yolk comprises some lively components, resembling lutein and zeaxanthin, that are carotenoid antioxidants linked to visual health. This useful contribution is reinforced by the presence of vitamin A.

Among its other components that make it could actually be considered a functional food, we now have peptides and phospholipids that help prevent chronic diseases, resembling hypertension, obesity and metabolic syndrome.


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