Millions of individuals worldwide were left devastated by the death this 12 months of 54-year-old Matthew Perrythe Friends star famous for bringing wise-cracking Chandler Bing to life. A world superstar, recently sober with an autobiography on the bestseller lists, it looked like his troubled past was behind him. So the world was especially shocked and saddened to learn of his premature death by apparent drowning.
This week, medical officials in Los Angeleshave confirmed that his drowning was more complex than initially suspected. Toxicology reports have indicated that two drugs were in Perry’s system on the time of his death. These were buprenorphinea drug used to treat opioid drug addiction, and ketaminesometimes known as special K or horse tranquilliser.
Given Perry’s well-documented addiction issues to opioid painkillers, his use of buprenorphine was not a surprise. But why was he taking ketamine?
Ketamine works by acting on receptors within the brain and, since its synthesis within the Sixties, has been utilized in veterinary medicine and in addition as a surgical anaesthetic in humans.
Following signs that ketamine might affect user mood, it was investigated for its potential role in treating depression and anxiety. Today, users might be prescribed ketamine for these conditions, but often only after other antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications have failed.
The medical officer in LA specified that Perry was being legally prescribed infusions of ketamine to treat depression and anxiety. They did note, nonetheless, that given the time since his last dose, it was unlikely that the ketamine in his bloodstream was from his prescribed infusions. No other reason was offered as to why he would have had ketamine in his system so near the time of his death.
In addition to finding drugs in his body, Perry was also listed as having heart disease. Ketamine could cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rateso it will not be surprising to listen to from the health worker that: “At the high levels of ketamine present in his post-mortem blood specimens, the primary lethal effects can be from each cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression.”
Another contributing factor to Perry’s death was listed as drowning. So does ketamine make drowning more likely?
Ketamine could cause users to have issues with coordination, they usually may feel disorientated. The combination of those effects while in water, could make an individual’s reactions slower, putting them prone to harm, so ketamine actually could make drowning more likely.
Also, taking ketamine with other substances, like alcohol, can increase the danger of drowsiness. While Perry had a much-publicised issue with alcohol, his toxicology report indicated no alcohol in his system on the time of his death.
Not the primary
Sadly, Perry will not be the primary Hollywood star to die by drowning under the influence of medicine. In 2012, global star Whitney Houston died in a tub after consuming marijuana, cocaine, and the benzodiazepine referred to as alprazolam (Xanax).
These stories remind us all of the risks of substance abuse and the importance of searching for skilled help for addiction issues.
Matthew Perry was a vocal advocate for more addiction support services, and since his death the Matthew Perry Foundation has been arrange to assist those battling the disease of addiction.
Perry said: “When I die, I don’t want Friends to be the very first thing that’s mentioned, I would like helping others to be the very first thing that’s mentioned. And I’m going to live the remainder of my life proving that.”
In the last years of his life, he did just that. But sadly, evidently it is going to be in death that he can have the most important impact on helping others to beat their demons.