People around the world have been using non-stick cookware for quite some time now, in their day to day cooking. Be it households, hotels or restaurants or any other set-up, non-stick cookware has taken the world by storm. Traditional cooking utensils have been replaced by non-stick cookware due to convenience and a lot of other advantages.
Acc. to a study, the story of Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE) began on April 06, 1938, at Du Pont’s Jackson Laboratory in New Jersey, USA. Dr Roy J Plunkett, who was working with gases related to Freon fluorinated refrigerants, discovered that one sample left overnight in a cylinder had polymerized spontaneously to a white waxy solid. It was resistant to practically every known chemical or solvent; its surface was extremely slippery; almost no substance would stick to it; moisture did not cause it to swell and it did not degrade after long term exposure to sun light.
PTFE is a highly crystalline polymer (90-95%) with a melting point app. 327deg C. It has excellent properties like chemical inertness, low coefficient of friction, non-toxic, non-flammable, negligible water absorption, non-adhesive, anti-stick, high thermal stability, low dielectric constant, moderate mechanical properties and compatibility for compounding with metals and inorganic pigments.
Though PTFE (virgin) has excellent properties, it suffers from some draw-backs like; low wear resistance, low thermal conductivity, low load bearing capacity, high elongation, and low resistance to compressive deformation. Hence, different fillers are incorporated into PTFE to improve these properties.
Therefore, the simple reason it has found so much attention in the cooking scene is because the food does not stick to the pan during browning. Because of this, food can be cooked with less or no oil, and the cookware becomes easy to clean and maintain.
It is non-reactive, partly because of the strength of carbon-fluorine bonds, and so it is often used in containers and pipework for reactive and corrosive chemicals. Where used as a lubricant, PTFE reduces friction, wear, and energy consumption of machinery.
It is commonly used as a graft material in surgical interventions. It is also frequently employed as coating on catheters; this interferes with the ability of bacteria and other infectious agents to adhere to catheters and cause hospital-acquired infections.
In fact, PTFE can be used to prevent insects from climbing up surfaces painted with the material. PTFE is so slippery that insects cannot get a grip and tend to fall off.
The major application of PTFE, consuming about 50% of production, is for the insulation of wiring in aerospace and computer applications.
But there is a controversy against the coating used in these cookware, because of which they become non-stick, i.e. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon. This coating has been linked to cancers and there has been a big hue & cry to stop the use of these utensils. This entire hue and cry is because of a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which was earlier being used in non-stick cookware, but has been removed now.
PFOA, PFOS, Gen-X etc. belongs to a family of substances which come under Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Acc. to the US EPA (United States, Environmental Protection Agency), both PFOA & PFOS are very persistent in the environment and in the human body – meaning they don’t break down and they can accumulate over time. As a result, as people get exposed to PFAS from different sources over time, the level of PFAS in their bodies may increase to the point where they suffer from adverse health effects. Most people have been exposed to PFAS. There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse health outcomes in humans.
Acc. to US EPA, PFAS can be found in:
Further, PFOA and PFOS can cause reproductive and developmental, liver and kidney, and immunological effects in laboratory animals. Both chemicals have caused tumours in animals. The most consistent findings are increased cholesterol levels among exposed populations, with more limited findings related to:
Studies have shown, despite of the best practices in the manufacturing, residual PFOA is not completely removed during the fabrication process of the non-stick coating for cookware. They remain as residuals on the surface and may be off-gassed when heated at normal cooking temperatures.
On the other hand, studies, showed that the greatest portion of the chronic exposure to PFOS and PFOA is likely to result from the intake of contaminated foods, including drinking water.
Consumer products cause a minor portion of the consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA. Of these, it is mainly impregnation sprays, treated carpets in homes, and coated food contact materials that may lead to consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA.
Children tend to experience higher total uptake doses (on a body weight basis) than teenagers and adults because of higher relative uptake via food consumption and hand-to-mouth transfer of chemical from treated carpets and ingestion of dust. This meant that cookware is not a major source of PFOS or PFOA exposure.
In environmentally exposed communities and in the general population, the most consistent effect of exposure to PFOA, and to a less extent to PFOS, is the occurrence of hypothyroidism. Women and children appear to be more at risk of developing mild thyroid failure. Pregnant women with circulating thyroid antibodies might be at risk of developing subclinical hypothyroidism, mainly when exposed at high doses of PFOS.
Because of the above evidences and many others, in 2006, the US EPA and the 8 US manufacturers who used PFOA at the time agreed to a “stewardship program.” The goal was for the companies to eliminate PFOA from emissions and product contents by the end of 2015. PFOA and some closely related chemicals (such as PFOS) are now no longer made in the US, although they are still made in some other countries and could potentially reach US consumers in certain types of products. That’s why all Teflon products in US, since 2013 have been PFOA free.
Another problem with the Teflon coating on the non-stick cookware is that at temperatures above 300deg C, this coating starts to break down, releasing toxic chemicals into the air. This leads to a sort of fever termed as “metal fume fever” or “polymer fume fever.
Studies found that, metal fume fever typically presents with generally non-specific complaints including influenza-like symptoms, fever, shaking chills, myalgias, headache, and malaise. Onset of symptoms typically occurs 4-10h following the exposure to metal-containing fumes.
However, metal fume fever is typically a benign and self-limited disease entity that resolves over 12-48h following cessation of exposure. However, in few cases it can be quite serious and cause severe toxic effects such as pulmonary oedema, pneumonitis, and death in the exposed individuals.
We need to understand that it’s very difficult to prove any such controversy, because of millions involved in profits. The companies will fight tooth & nail to protect their inventions and if needed take out alternatives, just so that they can stay on the top of the market and the profits remain intact.
Despite of the fact that most manufacturers in US have phased out the use of PFOAs in cookware, and the fact that non-stick pans have not been shown to be the main source of these chemicals, the controversy still exists. Newer alternatives are coming in the market promising safer alternative for non-stick cooking, but most of them have not been tested or studied for long term safety.
Now there are two options with all of us:
But if you ask my advice, then keeping all the above research studies, looking at the country we are staying in, and the way we cook our foods, I would suggest you to minimize the use of non-stick cookware.
Now, for most people this is not entirely possible in one go, as it is financially not viable for a lot of families. But slowly, one utensil at a time, start replacing the cooking utensils with the other safer options. Till that time, follow the above guidelines of cooking in non-stick cookware.
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