Categories: Health

How Wheatgrass Can Transform Your Health: 11 Key Benefits

Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant. It’s low in calories and contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein. People often make it into a juice, and it also comes in powder or capsule form.

Some believe wheatgrass juice can help with health problems like nutrient deficiencies, diabetes, and heart disease. However, more scientific evidence may be needed to support these claims.

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1. It’s Considered a “Superfood”

Wheatgrass has an impressive nutrient profile, with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and 17 amino acids. Eight of these amino acids are essential, meaning the body can’t produce them on its own, and they must be obtained through the diet.

Wheatgrass is sometimes called “green blood” because it contains about 70% chlorophyll, a pigment that gives plants a green color. While the exact amount of each nutrient varies, wheatgrass generally contains:

  • Calcium
  • Chlorophyll
  • Enzymes
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamins A, B, C, and E

Research found that 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice has a similar nutrient composition as 5 pounds of raw vegetables, with twice as much vitamin A as carrots and more vitamin C than oranges.

2. Eliminates Toxins

Several studies suggest that wheatgrass’s enzymes, amino acids, and chlorophyll may help your body eliminate toxins and remove heavy metals from the bloodstream.

However, more human research is needed to confirm these benefits. Eating a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet with lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and fiber is the best way to support the body’s natural detoxification process.

3. Provides Energy

Wheatgrass contains B vitamins, which help initiate the process that turns your foods into usable energy.

It also contains carbohydrates, the body’s preferred energy source. One study notes that the nutrients in wheatgrass can help fill deficiencies in the diet, which may indirectly contribute to improved energy levels.

Another study found that wheatgrass juice enters the bloodstream in about 20 minutes when taken on an empty stomach, providing energy that can last all day. However, more human studies are needed.

4. Enhances Immune System

Wheatgrass contains antioxidants, selenium, iron, and vitamins A, B, and C. All of these are important for a healthy immune system. It’s also packed with oligosaccharidesa type of carbohydrate that research suggests has immune-boosting properties.

Another review highlights that the chlorophyll in wheatgrass is chemically similar to human blood and may strengthen the immune system.

5. Aids Digestion

The high fiber in wheatgrass promotes regular bowel movements. It also contains threonine, an essential amino acid that supports the production of digestive enzymes. These enzymes help break down food and improve nutrient absorption.

6. Boosts Metabolism

B vitamins and other nutrients in wheatgrass can support a healthy metabolism, the process by which food is converted into energy. A review showed that aspartic and glutamic amino acids in wheatgrass may help provide energy and boost metabolism.

Another study found that the chlorophyll in wheatgrass may also help regulate metabolism.

7. Lowers Cholesterol

The fibers in wheatgrass, particularly arabinoxylansmay help lower cholesterol. In one study, participants with high cholesterol received 3.5 grams of freeze-dried wheatgrass powder or placebo (a substance with no active properties given to people in a control group) daily for 10 weeks. Researchers found those who took wheatgrass powder experienced an average reduction of 5.4% in total cholesterol, a 4.4% decrease in harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a 9.5% reduction in triglycerides.

8. Improves Cognitive Function

Wheatgrass is high in antioxidants, which may help prevent damage to DNA in different parts of the brain, especially the areas involved in memory and learning.

One animal study showed that combining epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG (a compound found in green tea), wheatgrass, and activities that challenge the mind and body was more effective at protecting the brain from the damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease than mental and physical activities alone.

However, more research is needed to determine whether wheatgrass improves human cognitive function.

9. Helps With Type 2 Diabetes

One study examined people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes and found that those who consumed 3 grams of wheatgrass powder daily for 60 days experienced significant improvements in fasting and non-fasting blood sugar.

The study’s authors suggest these effects may be due to wheatgrass’s phenolic compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and sterols. However, more human research is needed to confirm these findings.

10. Eases Arthritis Pain

A test-tube study found that wheatgrass may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress  (an imbalance between harmful molecules known as free radicals and helpful antioxidants) caused by inflammation. The study noted that wheatgrass may effectively treat inflammation-related diseases like arthritis.

11. Fights Infections

Wheatgrass is an excellent source of chlorophyllin, a form of chlorophyll that has antibacterial properties and helps with skin infections and wound healing.

Research shows the bioactive compounds (those having a biological effect) in wheatgrass may also fight against various microorganisms and foodborne illnesses, including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.

Is There a Link Between Wheatgrass and Cancer?

The compounds and nutrients in wheatgrass may help:

  • Control substances that cause inflammation
  • Eliminate harmful free radicals
  • Neutralize toxins and cancer-causing chemicals
  • Reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy

A preliminary study found wheatgrass may improve white blood cell counts during chemotherapy. A low white blood cell count can increase the risk of infection during treatment.

Other research suggests that antioxidants and other nutrients in wheatgrass may help reduce inflammation and positively affect colorectal cancer. However, further human studies are needed before official recommendations can be made.

Other Potential Benefits

Limited evidence suggests that wheatgrass may also help with:

More, extensive human studies are needed to determine the potential benefits of wheatgrass for these conditions and to establish a recommended dose.

Side Effects

Wheatgrass is usually safe and well tolerated, with no significant side effects. More concentrated forms may increase the risk of gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. This could be due to its higher fiber content, which can be harder for some to digest.

Also, due to its high vitamin K content, wheatgrass may interfere with the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications like Jantoven (warfarin).

Before trying wheatgrass, speak with a healthcare provider to discuss safety, potential medication interactions, and side effects.

Is Wheatgrass Gluten-Free?

Even though it comes from wheat, wheatgrass is considered gluten-free. This is because it’s harvested from a young wheat plant before the gluten-containing seeds sprout.


Wheatgrass is high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that may help lower inflammation, decrease blood sugar, and improve immune function. It may also help with digestion, arthritis pain, and metabolic health.

However, most research has occurred with wheatgrass compounds in test tubes or animal studies rather than in humans. However, wheatgrass is generally safe and well-tolerated. Speak with a healthcare provider to ensure wheatgrass is a good option for you.

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