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HomeHealthHow Long to Progress to AIDS

How Long to Progress to AIDS

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How Long Does it Take for HIV to Progress to AIDS?

In all but a few rare cases, if left untreated, HIV will progress to a stage of infection called AIDS. This is when the immune defenses have been compromised, and the body is less able to defend itself against potentially life-threatening infections.

Generally speaking, the time it takes to go from HIV infection to AIDS is around five to 10 years if no medical intervention is made. Differences in time can be due to any number of factors, including:

  • The genetic strain of HIV a person living with the virus has been infected with (some of which may be more or less virulent than others)
  • The general health of the individual
  • The place where the person lives (including healthcare access and the incidence of other diseases or infections)
  • A person’s genetics or family history
  • Smoking and other personal lifestyle choices

This is, of course, if the person receives no treatment. The picture changes entirely if they do.

Since 1996, the introduction of antiretroviral drugs has dramatically altered the natural progression of HIV infection. While HIV still cannot be cured, people newly diagnosed with HIV who get treated and stay in care can be expected to have near-normal to normal life expectancies.

Stages of HIV Infection

The stages of infection from person to person vary slightly, both in severity and the speed of progression. These stages map the depletion of immune cells (called CD4 T-cells) as the body’s defenses further and further degrade.

  • With each progression, the risk of opportunistic infections (OIs) increases until the immune system is said to be fully compromised. It is at this stage that the risk of illness and death is particularly high.
  • The stages of infection can be roughly classified as follows:
    • Acute Infection
    • Chronic Infection
    • AIDS

Acute Infection
In acute infection, many people can have fever, fatigue, swollen tonsils, sore throat, diarrhea, or rash. These start shortly after exposure and can last about two weeks.

Chronic Infection
After the initial infection has been controlled by the immune system, the virus goes into hiding in cellular reservoirs, unnoticed by immune defenses. This chronic (or latent) stage of infection can last for years and even decades in some individuals until such time as the hidden viruses are reactivated (most often when the immune system is fully compromised and later-stage OI develops).

The stage is technically classified as having either an AIDS-defining condition or a CD4 count of under 200 cells/milliliter.

Treating HIV Infection
Still, a complete cure remains elusive. Although two people have been reported to be in long-term remission from HIV one year after ceasing ART, both were the recipients of bone marrow transplants intended to treat cancer, not HIV. Long-term remission outside of these people has not been reported.

In addition, the chance of a full immune recovery decreases the longer a person waits. It is, therefore, important that treatment is provided at the time of diagnosis, irrespective of the CD4 count, and that the person remain adherent to treatment for the span of their life.

In summary, HIV progression to AIDS typically occurs within five to 10 years if left untreated. The stages of infection, including acute infection, chronic infection, and AIDS, vary in severity and speed of progression. Antiretroviral drugs have altered the natural progression of HIV infection, and treatment at the time of diagnosis is essential for optimal health outcomes.


Q: What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
A: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

Q: Can HIV be cured?
A: Not yet, although two people have been reported to be in long-term remission from HIV after ceasing treatment.

Q: How does antiretroviral treatment (ART) help with HIV progression?
A: ART slows down the progression of HIV by blocking the virus’s ability to multiply and weaken the immune system.

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