Categories: Mind & Soul

Holiday Anxiety

The Minimalists: Holiday Anxiety and Clutter

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Discussed in This Episode

  • How can I stop people from buying unnecessary Christmas gifts that clutter our home?
  • What fills your holiday season with anxiety, and what do you do to minimize holiday clutter?
  • Listener tip: A helpful script for opting out of gift-giving during the holiday season.
  • Gift-Wrapping Break: Malabama’s favorite Christmas song.
  • What is the best gift to buy for a minimalist?
  • When does holiday participation morph into holiday consumerism?
  • Why are we afraid of facing the internal clutter that is hiding beneath the physical clutter?
  • How do we enjoy this heavily commodified holiday without contributing to landfills?
  • What are the benefits of being willing to walk away from anything?
  • More About Less: Consumption Season.
  • What is T.K.’s favorite Christmas song?

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • If it gets in the way of the holidays, it’s holiday clutter.
  • Clarity, boundaries, and grace clear the way for a clutter-free holiday.
  • We went from celebrating Christmas to surviving the holidays the moment the holiday season became the holiday shopping season.
  • Gift-giving is a love language the same way Pig Latin is a Romance language.
  • Forced participation is the gateway to resentment.
  • Our material possessions are a physical manifestation of our internal lives.
  • Opting out of consumerism is the best way to opt-in to celebration.

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In this episode, The Minimalists dive deep into the anxiety that often accompanies the holiday shopping season. They explore how to minimize holiday clutter, the benefits of opting out of consumerism, and the importance of being willing to walk away from anything. They also share their favorite Christmas songs and discuss the challenges of navigating the heavily commodified holiday season.


  • What is the best way to minimize holiday clutter?
    • Clarity, boundaries, and grace clear the way for a clutter-free holiday.
  • How can I stop people from buying unnecessary Christmas gifts?
    • Opt out of consumerism and focus on what truly matters.
  • What is the best gift to buy for a minimalist?
    • The best gift is the one that is not bought.
  • How can I enjoy the holiday season without contributing to landfills?
    • Focus on the things that bring you joy, not on accumulating possessions.
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