Chakra affirmations direct awareness and positivity to the body’s energetic centers. Repeating a chakra affirma˜tion daily can help improve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being by enabling the free flow of energy through these choke points.
Combining a chakra affirmation practice with mindfulness strengthens our relationship with the body and its wisdom. When we turn our attention to sensations in and around the chakras, we become available for insight regarding where in the body we feel spacious, and where we could use some gentle care.
Affirmations for the chakras are brief, positive statements that align with each of the body’s 7 major energetic centers. Chakra affirmations are phrased in the first person as if they are already true. Speaking a chakra affirmation aloud, while directing the mind’s attention to the corresponding chakra point, helps release trapped, stagnant energy.
Yes, affirmations for chakras work, and are particularly effective when we partner them with mindful awareness of the body.
Chakras can be visualized as energetic choke points. When the natural flow of energy is impeded, we experience physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. We can untie the knot at the center of each chakra, allowing energy to move freely again, using chakra affirmations and methods such as movement, massage, mindfulness and meditation.
To incorporate chakra affirmations into your daily routine, it’s best to partner the practice with something you already do daily. Try inserting a chakra practice into your morning routine, for example, or into a bedtime ritual.
Energy flows where the mind’s attention goes. Thus, it’s most beneficial if you can combine your chakra affirmation practice with mindfulness and meditation. Select a few chakras to speak out loud. As you speak each one, visualize and sense into the specific area of the body where the chakra you’ve chosen is located.
Remember these energetic centers are vibrant, flowing and changing. Having repeated your affirmation a few times, mindfully observe the energy that’s present. Allow for whatever arises, approaching sensation with a caring, kind curiosity.
If you’re unsure how to select a chakra to work with, you can choose an affirmation for each. Begin with the root chakra, muladhara, then work your way up through the body’s central channel. You might even partner this practice with a body scan meditation.
At times, it may be clear there’s a specific energy you wish to work with. We might practice with the energy we feel most confident or joyful with, or an energy we feel needs more tender, loving care. The following guide can help you choose.
When working with chakras and affirmations, let your senses and the wisdom of the body be your guide. You’ll know what’s best for you by feeling your way into it, letting go of attachment to right and wrong.
Our body is a source of great wisdom, but also, holds our wounds and insecurities. By working with the body and its energy, we can let go of the pain the body holds and connect to the vast source of bliss and contentment within. Practicing chakra affirmations daily encourages the energy of the body to move in a manner that’s reflective of health, happiness and freedom.
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