Are you on the lookout for a healthy and nutritious dish? Try this delicious quinoa and grilled vegetable salad. Its taste will surprise you!
Grilled Vegetable Salad with Quinoa could be an amazing option for entertaining vegetarian or vegan guests. Beyond that, This is a nutritious and delicious recipe that the entire family will enjoy.
In this text, we let you know more about its dietary value and present the recipe step-by-step. Plus, we provide you with another ideas to change the unique recipe in line with your preferences!
Grilled vegetable salad is a dish that could be adapted to the tastes of the entire family. Just select the vegetables you want and that is it! You can even vary the vegetables and flavors so that you never get bored.
For this vegetable salad, we selected squash, peppers, beets and spinach. Squash stands out for its vitamin C content (a 200 gram serving provides 31% of the really helpful day by day requirement) and its low calories.
On the opposite hand, the bell pepper is a source of vitamin B6, A, beta-carotenes (2,220 µg/100g edible portion) and vitamin C. As a source of fiber, you possibly can add beetroot, also wealthy in potassium. An essential mineral for the right functioning of the nervous system and muscles.
Moreover, We decided to include spinach since it is a superb source of potassium and iron. In the case of the latter mineral, it’s the non-heme variety which requires vitamin C (present in spinach, squash and pepper) for higher absorption.
To increase the dietary value of this salad, we add quinoa, a cereal with high protein value and high in essential amino acids. For example, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine.
Finally, to season the whole lot, we add a good drizzle of additional virgin olive oil to enjoy the advantages of this liquid gold so appreciated within the Mediterranean food plan.
Grilled vegetable salad has many options. Not only because you possibly can vary the vegetables, but in addition because you possibly can serve it hot or cold!
Ingredients :
And now, the subsequent time you desire to eat something healthy and delicious, remember this Grilled Vegetable Salad with Quinoa recipe! You won’t give you the chance to do without it.
All sources cited have been thoroughly reviewed by our team to make sure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliography for this text has been considered academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.
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