Categories: Healthy Recipes

Gluten-free and lactose-free lemon meringue pie

Lemon meringue pie is a comparatively easy and really colourful dessert, ideal for work or family gatherings or to share with friends. Furthermore, the ingredients are easily adaptable to individual dietary needs.

Lemon meringue pie is a conventional dessert of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. It is feasible to make it in 2 other ways. By filling a pre-cooked dough with a light-weight egg cream, or by putting this filling between 2 doughs. Do you understand the right way to cook a gluten-free and lactose-free lemon meringue pie?

In this text, we’ll introduce you to the standard recipe for lemon meringue pie. Then, in a second step, we’ll give you some variations in order that this dessert will be consumed by celiac and lactose intolerant patients.

Differences between a pie and a pie

These 2 terms could seem synonymous, but in reality, they do allusion to 2 various kinds of desserts. Here are the most important distinctions.

1. The pie

  • It is constituted of shortcrust pastry, in other words, a dough with sugar and butter.
  • This dough is mostly used as a support for a consistent filling and possibly several layers.
  • It will be pre-cooked after which assembled with the filling.

2. The pie

  • We often use simpler pastas with fewer ingredients.
  • There is frequently a second layer of dough that covers the highest of the filling.
  • The paste doesn’t contain sucre but plenty of butter, although there are lighter versions.

Gluten-free and lactose-free lemon meringue pie recipe

Traditional lemon meringue pie normally incorporates cream and wheat flour. In this case, we’ve adapted the recipe to be gluten-free and lactose-free.

Ingredients for gluten and lactose free lemon meringue pie

For the gluten-free dough

  • 200 grams of ground almonds
  • 3 tablespoons ofextra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar

For the lactose-free filling

  • 6 eggs
  • 180 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml lemon juice
  • Lemon zest
  • 40 grams of vegetable margarine
  • 20 grams of corn flour or cornstarch

For the meringue

  • 2 egg whites
  • 100 grams of icing sugar

Preparation of gluten-free and lactose-free lemon meringue pie

It is sensible to begin by making the lemon cream in order that it cools and rests when you prepare the dough. Thus, along with saving time, the cream acquires a smoother texture.

  • First, beat the egg and sugar using a whisk.
  • Wash and grate half a lemon taking care not to succeed in the white part to avoid the dessert being bitter. Then squeeze the lemons and filter the juice.
  • In the bowl where you beat the eggs, add the zest, lemon juice and sifted corn flour.
  • If you haven’t got a sieve, you need to use a colander. This step is crucial to avoid lumps.
  • Then pour all of the ingredients right into a saucepan and warmth over low heat until the mixture thickens.
  • Finally, add the butter off the warmth and leave to chill within the fridge.

Preparation of gluten-free dough

  • Pour the bottom almonds, egg, oil and honey right into a large salad bowl. Then, using a mixer or whisk, mix all of the ingredients well until you obtain a homogeneous paste.
  • If you’re allergic to dried fruit, you may replace the almonds with rice, oat or corn flour.
  • Then spread the dough in a 26 cm ovenproof mold, previously greased and floured.
  • Then place the lemon cream on the dough with the assistance of a silicone spatula.
  • Bake in an oven previously heated to 200°C for half-hour.
  • Then remove the mold and let cool for about 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the meringue that can cover the tart. Then beat the whites until stiff after which add the sugar little by little.
  • When the whites acquire the specified texture, transfer this preparation to a piping bag.
  • Finally, decorate the tart with the meringue then brown it with a blowtorch. If you haven’t got one, you may put the tart back within the oven at 200°C with the warmth on top for two or 3 minutes.

And there you could have it, now you could have a recipe for gluten and lactose free lemon meringue pie. It is entirely doable with children. Furthermore, you may accompany it with tropical fruit ice cream or a coconut and melon fruit salad.

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