For hundreds of years people from everywhere in the world have eaten insects. Today about 2.5 billion people – lots of whom live in Africa – eat insects. To date, 470 African edible insects have been scientifically recorded, with grasshoppers and termites amongst a few of the favourites.
There are many explanation why we needs to be eating insects. They support a “greener” lifestyle for meat eaters. Of the overall greenhouse gases annually a minimum of 15% comes from livestock. For their part insects produce 1kg to 3kg less greenhouse gases per kilo. They also need between 40% and 80% less feed per kg than livestock and anywhere from 50% to 90% less acreage to provide one kg of protein than beef – depending on the insect species and farming method used. That’s great news in a world battling scarce land and water resources.
Insects are also nutritious. Many insect species contain relatively more protein than conventional meat sources, like chicken or pork. Insects also contain essential fatty acids and essential minerals and vitamins. For example termites, when dried, they contain as much as 36% protein.
We must rethink our diets and food habits, specifically those related to meat consumption. Because insects are a reasonable and native food source wealthy in protein, they might be used as a meat alternative. To assist in this, we put together a guide on how insects might be eaten. To collect probably the most authentic, flavourful and varied recipes we visited villages in rural areas and spoke to local cooks about the right way to prepare their favourite specialties.
Insect recipes
It’s essential to organize the insects properly before eating:
Wash the insects
Boil, steam or fry them for a minimum of five minutes
Eat the prepared insects directly after cooking
If not eaten immediately, the insects should be preserved. Either keep them in a fridge or freezer, or sun-dry them to preserve them. They can last for just a few days.
In the tropics, insects are mainly harvested within the wild so those steps are essential. But a few of these insects are actually available in Western supermarkets. Here are just a few recipes to get you began:
Termites (we do not change)
Termites are considered one of the tastiest types of protein available on the planet. Termites are best toasted or flippantly fried until they’re barely crisp. Since their body is wealthy in oil, little or no or no additional oil is required.
Soldier termites might be coaxed from their tunnels by probing their mounds with long reeds which they clamp onto.
They might be preserved by dry frying in salt until they’re crispy. They can then be made right into a stew with tomato, onion and whatever spices you want.
Flying termites are traditionally caught by placing pots of water under lights, which magnetize them.
Thief Ants (thief ants)
These huge black ants only appear above ground annually, just after the primary rains, after they leave their nests to mate, reproduce and begin latest underground colonies.
Bernard Dupont/Wikimedia
Also called “big bottom” ants, they’re prized for his or her wealthy taste. They might be eaten raw – their fat abdomens bitten off, discarding the top and legs. But they do thoroughly as a fatty snack, like peanuts. For this, they needs to be flippantly fried with salt.
House cricket
Grilled house cricket snack:
These insects are great with sesame oil. Remove wings and blend them with just a few drops before putting them under an oven grill for about ten minutes, until they turn into crispy. Another preparation is to fry the wingless crickets in just a few drops of sesame or olive oil for about ten minutes until crispy.
House crickets and dates:
The crickets can be used to stuff dates – an attractive contrast with the sweet date and nutty insect. Cut the dates open from the side, remove the pit, and fill with fresh or frozen crickets.
These caterpillars might be collected from trees, that are found in most African countries.
When home, rinse with fresh water. Their innards must be squeezed out – it’s because they contain their food plant which is indigestible. Then boil them for half-hour in salted water. After boiling, spread them out on a tray and leave them within the sun. Allow them to bake within the sun for one or two days until crisp. If cooked over a fireplace they develop a definite and attractive smoky flavour – like biltong.
They can then be eaten as a snack or prepared as a stew. To make the stew, fry them in oil with chill and garlic. Add tomato, onion and capsicum and permit them to stew for quarter-hour. They go rather well with rice or papa cornmeal porridge.
Long-Horned Grasshopper
These grasshoppers have long been a part of the food culture within the Lake Victoria region of East Africa. They are mostly green or brown. Collection is straightforward since the insects are drawn to light within the evenings.
Pull the wings off and eat them raw. But if you happen to prefer to cook them, they might be either boiled or fried.
Mopane worms
After harvesting the mopane worms, squeeze out their guts ranging from the top. Wash the mopane worms in cold water after which boil them for about quarter-hour. Add salt to taste. Allow them to chill and put them out within the sun for just a few days, or smoke them until they’re completely dry.
Dried mopane worms might be eaten as snacks with or without porridge, or cooked again. To cook dried mopane worms; soak one cup of dried mopane worms in hot water for about half-hour. Rinse them in cold water. Put them in a pot with half a fried onion, 2 tomatoes, curry and green pepper. Add half a cup of water and a half teaspoon of sentimental salt, and blend. Boil for about 20 minutes.
Free of hormones, home grown, organic and free range; insects needs to be high on any health fanatic’s eating regimen list.