Dry Eye: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Frequent Symptoms
For some people, dry eye symptoms are mild and feel like a speck of sand in the eye, or stinging or burning that doesn’t go away. For others, dry eye can become a chronic condition that leads to blurred vision or even vision loss if it goes untreated.
Early symptoms of dry eye generally include:
When the condition is mild, symptoms tend to come and go.
Rare Symptoms
As dry eye worsens and becomes chronic, the symptoms become more tenacious. Less common symptoms of dry eye may include:
Usually, dry eye simply causes discomfort; but in severe instances, the condition could lead to complications such as damage to the cornea. When the cornea is damaged, the result could be permanent vision loss.
When to See a Doctor
Whenever you have symptoms such as light sensitivity, severe eye pain, or a change in vision, you should consult with your ophthalmologist or another healthcare provider as soon as possible. If you have other prolonged symptoms—such as redness, pain, or irritation—that are not relieved by using artificial tears, it’s important to visit your eye care professional for an examination.
A Word From Verywell
Dry eye is usually a progressive condition associated with aging, but it can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Although there is no cure for dry eye, there are some treatment modalities—such as certain types of medications or surgery—that may help to correct the underlying problem and alleviate symptoms. Protecting your vision is the most important consideration when it comes to having any type of eye condition, including dry eye.
Dry eye is a common condition that can cause discomfort and vision problems. It is important to recognize the symptoms of dry eye and seek medical attention if they persist or worsen over time. With proper treatment, it is possible to manage dry eye and prevent complications.
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