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HomeFitnessDrop-Set Your Way To a Thick Chest

Drop-Set Your Way To a Thick Chest

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How much do drop sets expedite hypertrophy?

Advanced strength training principles like drop sets and supersets are potent ways to maximize muscle gains, especially under time constraints. Research suggests these techniques are as effective for hypertrophy as traditional sets and can be completed in half to one-third of the time. (1)(2)

Drop sets gradually lower the weight repeatedly after reaching mechanical failure in each set. Supersets involve switching between exercises with minimal rest.

On Sept. 2, 2024, Dr. Mike Israetel, Ph.D. in Sport Physiology, guided IFBB Pro bodybuilder Nyle Nayga through a 30-minute hypertrophy-focused chest workout utilizing drop sets and supersets.

Drop Set — Machine Chest Press

The flat machine press’ converging line of pull enabled Nayga to achieve a deep stretch at the bottom and peak contraction at the top of his range of motion (ROM). A clinical trial concluded that a single drop set could lead to greater muscle gains than three conventional sets of resistance training, potentially due to the higher stress. (3)

Nayga pushed his limits with triple drop sets, employing tempo reps via controlled five-second eccentrics, a two-second pause at the bottom, an explosive concentric, and no pause at the top. He kept his shoulder blades depressed throughout the ROM.

Israetel cued Nayga to push his chest toward the handles during the eccentric for an even deeper stretch in the fully lengthened position. Nayga opened with 10 reps using 140 pounds.

After a 10-second rest, Nayga dropped the weight to 110 pounds and cranked out five more reps. Following another short pause, he hit five reps with 90 pounds. For the final set, he lowered the weight to 80 pounds.

Superset — Dips & Push-Ups

Nayga did a familiarization set to get the feel of the movements before his first of three working sets. During dips, Naygya leaned forward slightly and descended until his upper arms dipped below parallel.

Nayga performed deficit push-ups by placing his palms on the edge of several yoga blocks with his fingers wrapped over for stability. He maintained a proud chest and elevated hips throughout for a deeper stretch at the bottom of each rep.

After hitting mechanical failure (where fatigue compromises form), Nayga performed five kneeling push-ups to achieve momentary muscle failure. He rested between 30 to 60 seconds before starting the next superset.

A study published in the indicates that supersets elicited greater physiological responses (oxygen uptake, heart rate, blood lactate) than traditional training. This suggests that supersets may offer a potential advantage for hypertrophy due to the increased metabolic stress. (4)

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  1. Sødal, L. K., Kristiansen, E., Larsen, S., & van den Tillaar, R. (2023). Effects of Drop Sets on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports medicine – open, 9(1), 66.
  2. Iversen, V. M., Eide, V. B., Unhjem, B. J., & Fimland, M. S. (2024). Efficacy of Supersets Versus Traditional Sets in Whole-Body Multiple-Joint Resistance Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 38(8), 1372–1378.
  3. Fink, J., Schoenfeld, B. J., Kikuchi, N., & Nakazato, K. (2018). Effects of drop set resistance training on acute stress indicators and long-term muscle hypertrophy and strength. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 58(5), 597–605.
  4. Realzola, R. A., Mang, Z. A., Millender, D. J., Beam, J. R., Bellovary, B. N., Wells, A. D., Houck, J. M., & Kravitz, L. (2022). Metabolic Profile of Reciprocal Supersets in Young, Recreationally Active Women and Men. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(10), 2709–2716.

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