“The Shadow” advocates not overcomplicating your training.
Not all exercises are equally effective for building muscle. Effectiveness for hypertrophy is impacted by an exercise’s loading potential and resistance curve.
Six-time Mr. Olympia champ Dorian Yates shared his top 10 muscle-building exercises in a video published on coach Charlie Johnson’s YouTube channel on July 17, 2024. These lifts are the cornerstone of his training philosophy and were instrumental in his competitive bodybuilding success.
Check out the video below:
Isometric exercises are effective for enhancing mind-muscle connection and maxing out muscle pumps, which can promote muscle stimulation and growth (1). Focus on fully extending the knees at the top of each rep for a sharp contraction.
Yates suggested choosing between the conventional barbell or Smith machine squat variations based on personal preference. The leg press may be more effective than barbell back squats for targeting the hamstrings, depending on how it lines up with one’s structure. Use slow, controlled eccentrics to increase time under tension. (2)
Prioritize a full range of motion over load for optimal gastrocnemius recruitment. After reaching mechanical failure (form breaking due to muscle fatigue), perform lengthened partials to stimulate growth. (3)
Yates helped popularize the Nautilus pullover machine through his Olympia training videos. This exercise isn’t just for the lats. It also targets the serratus anterior, a muscle crucial for shoulder stability and scapular movement.
Yates suggests choosing between rowing exercises or lat pulldowns. However, he recommends pulldowns in his 10-exercise list. Experiment with different grips to best target the upper back. (For more on why Yates thinks you should avoid a wide grip, head here.)
This compound exercise targets the chest, anterior deltoids, and triceps. Focus on feeling a deep stretch when lowering the bar to the chest.
Yates recommended any flye that feels comfortable while isolating the chest. Use them to pre-exhaust the chest at the beginning of a workout so that you can feel greater muscle fiber recruitment during compound lifts like the bench press without needing to lift super heavy.
Yates recommended dumbbell lateral raises to bias the medial deltoids. He prefers dumbbells over the cables as he feels the former offers a more natural ROM.
Initiate the movement with the elbows. Focus on isolating the medial delts and resist trap involvement. A common cue is reaching during concentrics.
Perform concentration curls seated or standing, depending on what feels more comfortable. Focus on peak contraction at the top of each rep. Use three-second eccentrics.
Maintain a slight forward lean and keep your elbows tight to your torso. This can help better isolate the triceps and prevent the shoulders from taking on load.
Yates recommended beginning each workout with a one-minute cardio session to warm up. Follow with one or two warm-up sets for each exercise before performing a final set to muscle failure.
Two or three sets on each exercise…would be enough stimulus to grow muscle mass.
Yates believes many lifters overcomplicate bodybuilding. He asserts these 10 exercises performed twice per week consistently should be effective for hypertrophy.
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