Categories: Health

Does Lemon Water Help with Bloating?

Why Lemon Water Could Be Useful for Bloating

Most people experience bloating occasionally and turn to natural ways to relieve discomfort. Drinking lemon water (water with some lemon slices added) is one such strategy. Though lemon water may benefit digestive health, this is likely an indirect effect that has more to do with lemon water’s hydrating effects (and, potentially, certain compounds in citrus).

Does Your Drinking Water Temperature Matter?

There’s limited research on whether cold, warm, or room temperature water is best to consume, but here are some potential benefits of each:

  • Cold: Helps cool down your core body temp, which may be helpful after a tough sweat session.
  • Warm or room temp: In addition to providing a comforting feeling for some people, these temperatures may help enhance circulation and relax digestive muscles.

Overall, the best water temperature is the one you’re most comfortable drinking, making you more likely to drink water. The temperature of your water matters far less than being adequately hydrated.

Why Lemon Water Could Be Useful for Bloating

Lemon water isn’t a magic anti-bloating potion, but that doesn’t mean it’s not helpful. It may be a good choice for reducing bloat because it’s a hydrating beverage, and lemons contain certain citrus compounds that may have digestive benefits.

How Hydration Affects Bloating

Staying hydrated is essential for digestive (and overall) health. Drinking plain water helps keep things moving and flush out excess sodium, which otherwise encourages your body to hold onto more fluids and contributes to feelings of bloating.

Lemons and Bloating

Lemons contain a citrus compound called hesperidin. While the exact mechanisms aren’t well understood, some research indicates that hesperidin can help reduce inflammation throughout the digestive tract. Inflammation may not cause bloating, but it can contribute to your discomfort.


In one study, participants drank either lemon or plain water before every meal for four weeks. The results showed that the group drinking lemon water experienced a significant reduction in bloating and other symptoms. While lemon water isn’t a magic cure-all, it may be a useful addition to your anti-bloating arsenal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I add too much lemon juice to my water?
A: Yes, you can overdo it. Start with small amounts (about 1/4 lemon per 8 oz water) and adjust to taste.

Q: Will lemon water help with other digestive issues like cramps or diarrhea?
A: While lemon water may help with bloating, its effectiveness for other digestive issues is less clear. More research is needed to determine its benefits.

Q: Can I add other ingredients to my lemon water, like honey or ginger?
A: Yes, you can experiment with different combinations, but be cautious of potential interactions or allergic reactions. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Lauren Panoff, MPH, RD, is a registered dietician, writer, and speaker with over a decade of experience specializing in the health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

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