Mind & Soul

Podcast 461 | Preserving the Past

In this public episode of , The Minimalists talk about what it means to preserve the past in a meaningful…

1 day ago

I Shouldn’t Have to Deal with This

An Introduction to Pain Millions of people suffer from chronic pain; I never thought I’d be one of them. At…

1 week ago

Podcast 460 | Overthinking

In this public episode of , The Minimalists are joined by Amanda Montell, author of The Age of Magical Overthinkingto…

2 weeks ago

Selling Your Mindfulness Teachings to Organizations, with Danny Grieco

  In this article, you'll learn: How to present mindfulness offerings in an engaging and relatable manner. Effective skills &…

2 weeks ago

How to Guide Meditations When You Struggle with the Sound of Your Own Voice

Many of us cringe when we hear the sound of our own voice. It’s a common human reaction. It is…

2 weeks ago

Gerascophobia or fear of aging: causes and symptoms

It is normal that we do not want to grow old and feel uncomfortable during the process. However, when the…

2 weeks ago

Podcast 459 | Simplework

In this public episode of , The Minimalists talk about making a workplace less cluttered and more enjoyable through the…

3 weeks ago

Clutter Counseling

Trouble Letting Go? Too much stuff, anxiety, stress, or uncertainty in your life? You can schedule an appointment with T.K.…

3 weeks ago

Podcast 458 | Dating Clutter

  In this public episode of , The Minimalists speak with clinical psychologist Orion Taraban about minimizing dating clutter to…

4 weeks ago

Podcast 457 | The Science of Happiness

  In this public episode of , The Minimalists speak with Harvard professor Arthur Brooks, author of Build the Life…

1 month ago

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