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HomeHealthCan I stop menstruating for a number of days?

Can I stop menstruating for a number of days?

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Some women have trouble coping with their periods and so turn to methods to stop them for a number of days. Generally, home remedies usually are not effective for this purpose.

When wondering if it is feasible to stop menstruation for a number of days, the immediate answer is yes. There are several ways to do that, but in all cases it is rather necessary to have the recommendation and approval of the gynecologist.

There are ways to stop menstruation for a number of days that could possibly be dangerous in your health. Internet pages are filled with popular suggestions for doing this.

Methods to stop menstruation for a number of days

Currently, there are methods to stop menstruation for a number of days. However, it is vital to make clear that no of them will not be effective when menstruation is already present.

1. Primosiston®

Primosiston® is a medicine used to stop severe uterine bleeding. Its motion keeps progesterone and estrogen levels high.

This prevents ovulation and, due to this fact, serves to stop menstruation for a number of days. More precisely, for two or 3 days. After that there’s bleeding. It can only be used on medical prescription.

2. Oral contraceptives

Take two blister packs of oral contraceptives in a row, and not using a break in between, is an efficient approach to stop menstruation for the subsequent cycle. This signifies that a month passes and not using a period.

Typically, the last two or 4 pills in each pack are placebos. Therefore, they mustn’t be taken, but proceed with the primary pill from the subsequent box.

This method works much like the previous one. The effect of taking two blister packs in a row is that estrogen and progesterone levels remain high. So there isn’t a shedding of the partitions of the uterus and, due to this fact, there isn’t a menstruation either. This should only be done with the approval of a physician.

Contraceptives to stop menstruation.
If you skip the placebo pills and join two boxes, without interruption, it is probably going that through the next cycle you is not going to have a period.

3. Contraceptives for continuous use

Continuous-use contraceptives not only stop menstruation for a number of days, but for several months. Similar to the previous two methods, the hormones involved within the menstrual cycle are kept elevated. Thus, bleeding is inhibited.

4. IUD with hormones

Some hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs) change the liner of the uterus and increase the thickness of cervical mucus. This is the effect of a substance called levonorgestrelwhich has similarities to progesterone produced by the ovary.

The consequence is a notable reduction in bleeding during menstruation, which sometimes turn into a whole shutdown.

5. Injection d’hormones

L’injection d’hormone contraceptive is run every 3 months. The medicine accommodates progesterone and its effect is to maintain the degrees of this hormone high. Therefore, ovulation is inhibited and menstruation and pregnancy are prevented.

The absence of bleeding will not be at all times fulfilled. It is more likely that the quantity of blood passed will probably be reduced somewhat than witnessing a whole suspension.

6. Contraceptive implant

The contraceptive implant is a small tube placed under the skin of the upper arm. It maintains its effect for 3 years.

Like other methods, it increases progesterone levels, causing bleeding to diminish or stop. It also prevents ovulation and pregnancy.

Stop menstruation permanently?

For many reasons, there are women who not only wish to stop menstruation for a number of days, but permanently. And there are cases by which it’s a medical indication to perform a procedure which stops the bleeding.

1. Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is a surgical operation performed to remove the uterus. This eliminates the opportunity of a girl having her period. It will not be usual for surgery to be performed for the needs of non-public desire, but somewhat normal for it to be performed as a part of a treatment.

2. Endometrial ablation

Endometrial ablation is a procedure that destroys tissue contained in the uterus. This is normally done when a girl has excessive bleeding during menstruation.

The effect is to cut back or completely eliminate this bleeding. The usual thing is that after the intervention the lady is unable to conceive.

Hysterectomy to stop menstruation.
Carrying out surgeries of this nature should at all times be considered under medical advice and with the mediation of a health problem that justifies it.

Some facts to contemplate

The concept that it is feasible to stop menstruation for a number of days by taking ibuprofen has turn out to be popular. It’s mistaken.

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory with analgesic and antipyretic effects, nevertheless it has nothing to do with menstruation. It is simply used to cut back menstrual cramps.

It will not be practical to make use of other folk remedies, similar to salt water or vinegar water. They usually are not effective in stopping menstruation for a number of days, but they could cause harm. The same is true with the usage of the morning-after pill, which changes hormone levels, but doesn’t stop menstruation.

As for substances similar to lemon juice and infusions of thyme, cinnamon or licorice, iThere isn’t any scientific proof of their effectiveness.

It is at all times vital to seek the advice of a gynecologist in regards to the advisability of stopping menstruation for a number of days. Menstrual bleeding will not be an illness, but quite the other: an indication of excellent health.

All sources cited have been thoroughly reviewed by our team to make sure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliography for this text has been considered academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.

  • Arcos Vera, B., Arcos Vera, D., & Flores Rangel, GA (2018). Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for uterine myomatosis. Differences between open vs laparoscopic surgery. About a case. Journal of the Faculty of Medicine (Mexico), 61(2), 29-36.
  • Lázaro de la Fuente, J., Moratalla Bartolomé, E., González Bernal, M., & Repollés Escarda, M. (2006). Endometrial ablation techniques. Science. gynecol, 105-116.
  • Mota Armand Ugón, M. (2019). The menstruation taboo: symbol of female sexual repression.

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