Exercising with Allergic Asthma: A Guide to Safe and Effective Workouts
1. Exercise in Short Intervals
For some people, longer, endurance-based activities can lead to increased asthma symptoms. Exercising for short periods can help improve overall fitness levels and cardiovascular health without increasing the risk of asthma symptoms. Walking, running, biking, or swimming for 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week has been shown to benefit overall health in people with asthma.
2. Warm Up Beforehand
Warming up for five to 10 minutes before exercising can help with asthma symptoms. Slowly easing into an exercise routine can also reduce exercise-induced asthma. To warm up, start at a slow pace/low exertion level and aim to reach 50% of your maximum pace/exertion level over five to 10 minutes. The warm-up aims to increase breathing and heart rates without inducing asthma symptoms.
3. Preventive Treatment Before Exercise
Your healthcare provider may prescribe an inhaler to help control your asthma. These inhaled medications can be used before exercise to help prevent symptoms. Although you should follow your provider’s recommendations, quick relief (short-acting) inhalers should generally be taken 10 to 15 minutes before beginning a workout. They remain effective for up to four hours. Long-acting inhalers should be used 30 minutes before exercise and are effective for up to 12 hours. However, they may lose their effect if used every day before exercise. Before taking any prescribed drug, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider to find the right medication for you.
4. Bring Your Inhaler With You
Asthma symptoms are not always predictable. If you are going out for a bike ride or run or heading to an indoor spin class, bring your inhaler with you and keep it close in case it becomes necessary.
5. Check Pollen Counts and Air Quality Before Exercising Outdoors
Check pollen counts and air quality before exercising outdoors to minimize exposure to potential allergens. If you are allergic to pollen, consider exercising indoors or during times of low pollen count.
Exercising with allergic asthma requires careful planning and preparation. By understanding your body’s responses to exercise and taking steps to prevent symptoms, you can enjoy the many benefits of physical activity while managing your asthma.
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: The article has been reorganized with headings and subheadings, and a conclusion and FAQs section have been added.
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