When we sense deeply into the heart space and allow the energy there to move freely, we experience profound inner peace and more fulfilling relationships. Practicing heart chakra affirmations helps direct vital energy to the heart, enabling healing movement to take place.
Affirmations for the heart chakra are brief, positive statements spoken in the first person as if they are already true. Each describes a beneficial characteristic of the human heart, which is by nature spacious, mindful, compassionate, and full of loving-kindness.
When we embody a more open, caring and compassionate heart, the relationship we have with ourselves and all others begins to change. Our emotional well-being improves, and we become more available to share genuine, loving connections with others.
As you speak these heart opening affirmations out loud, mindfully observe what each feels like in the body. At first, you may notice some resistance or feel as though you are only imagining them to be true. Remain curious and open, and you may soon notice a change as you begin to more authentically embody the words you are speaking.
Heart chakra affirmations work to open the heart by directing positive, loving energy to the heart’s center. They are most effective when we speak them while visualizing energy moving freely through the heart space, and sensing in the body that the affirmation is already true.
The purpose of heart opening affirmations is to open our hearts and minds to the truth that each of us is worthy of love and capable of loving all others unconditionally. If we are to build a world in which this truth is realized by everyone, it must start with us.
To incorporate heart chakra affirmations into your daily routine, you can might them aloud before or after your daily mindfulness meditation practice. Alternatively, incorporate them into another every-day routine, such as brushing your teeth or enjoying a morning cup of coffee.
Anyone can benefit from using heart chakra affirmations. Those who benefit most will be those who practice heart affirmations mindfully. To mindfully practice a heart chakra affirmation is to sense the affirmation’s truth in the body itself. It can help to visualize the heart as spacious, vibrant and a source of infinite energy.
There’s no specific timeline regarding when you will see the effects of heart chakra affirmations. It bears to be kept in mind, however, that these effects may not be what you expected. Stay open and mindful, observing your perceived experience of life and your relationship with others. Allow space for the unexpected.
Most of us have several tight knots of protection around the heart. But closing ourselves off, although understandable, only leads to further separation and hurt. Fortunately, the heart is persistent. Again and again, it calls to us, asking to be freed.
We can answer this call by mindfully sensing, visualizing and speaking about the heart in its most perfect manifestation. The heart chakra affirmation practice calls forth what has always been true.
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