11 Habits for a Ripped Physique
1. Prioritize Protein
Food science may be complex, but eating shouldn’t be. Protein, vegetables, and healthy fats are 90% of nutrition needs. DeLauer focuses on quality protein loaded with beneficial raw materials for the muscles and body.
Prioritize protein to 50% of your calories; so much can come naturally.
2. Lots of Volume
"The bulk of my physique was built by high-volume training," DeLauer revealed. In other words, lots of reps. While he’s scaled back with age to optimize recovery, DeLauer firmly believes "Volume is how you build muscle."
3. Walking for Health & Fat Loss
Walking is the foundation of fitness; it is the minimum we should do to stay fit and healthy. "Walking is what shaped our mitochondria…it makes you better at burning fat," DeLauer explains, in addition to enhancing insulin sensitivity.
4. Fat Adaptation for Metabolic Flexibility
DeLauer believes years of carb cycling—rotating higher and lower carb days—have allowed him to burn more fat and keep it off. "Fat-adaptation period is about 90 days—if you can commit, you might maintain metabolic flexibility."
5. Take Creatine
Few supplements have the proven track record of creatine’s effectiveness in building muscle and boosting performance. Its benefits even extend to brain health and performance. DeLaurer takes between three and five grams daily, mainly for recovery.
6. Avoid Alcohol
As with many things, moderation is important. Alcohol consumption is something to be mindful of for health. For DeLauer, abstaining entirely was beneficial. "When I don’t drink, I’m in bed at 9 p.m. and have good sleep patterns."
7. The 80/20 Rule for Sustainability
DeLauer follows an 80/20 rule to prevent burnout: focus 80% on goals and allow 20% flexibility. Prioritizing protein helps him form a caloric base without overthinking. He also squeezes more food per meal for efficiency.
8. Always Eat Eggs
Eggs are a simple yet highly nutritious food. "They have everything needed for muscle growth," says DeLauer, like protein and follistatin, which blocks myostatin, a protein that restricts muscle growth.
9. Finding the Minimum Effective Dose
More volume builds muscle, but less maintains it. DeLauer seeks to balance progression and optimizing energy allocation to other areas of his life.
10. Strategic Caffeine Usage
DeLauer leverages caffeine’s potential fat-mobilizing (releasing fats) and fat-burning properties. He stated, "Caffeine helps override genetic factors that affect motivation to train."
11. Regular Sleep Schedule
"For decades, I’ve gone to bed at the same time. Consistent sleep is critical," DeLauer says. Sleep ties everything together, and our health and aesthetics depend on it. Optimal sleep duration varies, but seven to nine hours seems ideal.
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